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Our Clinic

Our Address

763 Woodbine Ave Unit A, Toronto, ON

M4E 2J4


Email Address

Clinic Hours

Monday: 10am to 5pm
Tuesday: 10am to 5pm

Wednesday: 11am to 7pm

Thursday: 11am to 7pm
Friday: 8am to 5pm

Saturday: 10am to 2pm

Sunday: 10am to 2pm 




Transit directions from Woodbine Station to Toothlifestudio Office.




FREE Parking for Toothlife Studios is available on the following streets. 


Gerrard St E, Devon Road, Woodbine Ave, Golfview Ave, Darrell Ave, Glenmore Road, Wild Wood Crescent.


Please ensure you carefully read the marked street signs to ensure your car is parked during the correct street hours.  

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